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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to tell your parents you’re a porn star? I can just imagine, it would be nothing but pure awkward conversations and, let’s face it, judgement. When you consider that, it’s quite easy to see why porn stars would keep their profession disclosed from their parents. In their recent episode of Ask a Porn Star,  WoodRocket asked the question, ‘does your family know that you do porn?’ Majority of the porn stars featured in the video say their parents support them, one even said her grandma told her she loved anal (pause). Then you get the occasional disowning and parents who are still oblivious to their kids’ (don’t worry, they are all of legal age) job. To sum it up, it definitely would be a really awkward and sometimes disturbing conversation to have but one that’s quite hilarious to hear about. Check it out in the gallery above.

  • Words: Mikaela Ortolan

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